Stephen Strang has faithfully reported the news from a Christian perspective for more than 45 years. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God has connected Stephen to many influencers and personalities. Get the inside scoop of what is happening in our country and around the world with the Strang Report.
Stephen Strang is a best-selling author, CEO and founder of Charisma Media. He was named one of the Top 25 Influential Evangelistic Leaders according to Time magazine. He is a frequent guest speaker on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBN, Family Talk with Dr. Dobson, and The
"Stephen shows that he is indeed an accomplished reporter who
gets to the heart of the issue..."
- Pat Robertson
These insightful books explore how God raised up Donald Trump to become President, what happened during his first term, what's at stake if he loses in 2020, and how COVID-19 fits into the outcome. Order your copies today. Give one to your pastor, a friend, and your neighbor too.
Listen on your favorite device to two of our most downloaded podcasts. In the Strang Report, find out what Christians are experiencing nationally and globally through Strang's insightful commentary and compelling interviews. In the God, Trump, and the 2020 Election podcast, Strang explores the future of America and what Christians are doing in the political arena.
Don't miss out on the latest news from hot topics affecting your Christian faith. Challenge your beliefs each week with topics on U.S. and international politics, missions, Christian movements, persecution and global outreach.